Monday, April 14, 2008

Welcome to my E-Portfolio!

My name is Sharon Gerald. I teach writing and literature classes at Jones County Junior College in Ellisville, Mississippi. I have a Ph.D. in creative writing from Oklahoma State University. My emphasis areas in graduate school were poetics and contemporary British and American literature. In my twelve years of teaching two-year college students since completing my degrees, I've maintained my interest in poetry, but a large part of my emphasis has shifted to technology and writing.

The world of teaching and writing is rapidly changing. Twelve years ago, I had only barely been introduced to email. Now I teach students who will be required as part of their jobs to maintain web presences in some way. Twelve years ago, we still debated whether we could require students to submit typed essays because we did not know if they had adequate access to word processors. Today there is no question. Technology and writing are integral processes. No one can sufficiently utilize one in the workplace without having some skill in the other.

As such, my students are compiling e-portfolios of their own, and I am learning the technological options available to our writing along with them. Please get to know me by exploring my pages here, and feel free to leave suggestions and comments.

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